Things you need to know about Scheduling & The Process
Experience the Magic!

In the realm of permanent makeup, it is imperative to exercise extreme caution when it comes to pigment application. In the past, it was common to apply at least 30-50% more pigment than they think the client will need, in anticipation of the loss of color that occurs during the healing process. However, this approach never sat well wuth me. 30-50% of a margin seemed to be quite risky, as everyone's skin is unique and some individuals may retain pigment more than others - and there is absolutely NO WAY to determine in advance - who will hold more color and who will loose it. And I don't know of anyone who wants their eyebrows even 5% too dark!
Therefore, it is crucial to avoid over-application of pigment. I manage my client's expectations by working up to the moment when we can both agree that everything looks beautiful, (both of us knowing that it may fade off too much). This way, my client can walk out looking normal, with confidence AND the expectation that we can apply more color, later . . . IF we need to.
So far, I have not met one client who was willing to sacrifice her face and go against this approach. Every client has a different outcome. Just remember that shape and color can be adjusted on subsequent sessions AFTER we see how the initial session has healed in. Then we will be able to tell what color and shape adjustments to make later.
​What appears to be "just enough" for one person, may be barely noticeable to another. The same principle applies to flaws. Artistic abilities are as unique as there are artists... and we carry a HUGE RESPONSIBILITY to identify the particular needs of every client and merge our visions.
Now, the art is in your SKIN!
Skin that is moving and churning on a microscopic level and is going to be fighting to remove what we just put in. Add to that, all the various levels of self care going on. Some people follow all the rules while others will break out the peroxide to scrub out thier new color. DO DO THAT! Most likely, what you're seeing is inflammation more than color! So if (at any stage of your healing process) you move into freak out mode, just remember how it looked when it was first done. Take a breath... calm down... let it heal... and we will take the next steps at your follow-up session.
Why you should read prior to an Appointment.
When a client books an appointment at PERMETIKA, it is with the understanding that you have READ, YOU UNDERSTAND AND AGREE with the information that I have shared throughout this website. This information is meant to help you in forming realistic expectations, foster a great relationship and to avoid any potential misunderstandings in the future. By the time you are seated in my chair, we will have shared this information with you , in advance and on multiple levels. WHY is this so important?
For starters, learn if you're a good CANDIDATE or not.
Make sure your idea of pretty is the same as mine.
Understand that potential (not common) RISKS that are inherent with any procedure, performed by ANY artist, even me!
Why? There is a possibility that your skin may not respond favorably to the art placed in it.
Therefore, we cannot entirely predict an exact outcome, nor do we have ultimate control over your skin's reactions, should there be any reaction at all.
Therefore we vow to proceed cautiously. IN TURN, WE EXPECT . . . that you consider yourself a well-informed client who understands that your procedure will NOT stay as it was initially implanted and agree with a conservative approach and are willing and ABLE to commit to more sessions as needed TO BUILD TOWARD YOUR ULTIMATE GOALS, instead of risking too much color retention.
REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS are paramount! PERFECT does not exist! Artistic preferences are subject to interpretation, but we will do our best to be on the same page with you!
Because the more you know, the better prepared you'll be.
People often ask if they really need to plan... Some just assume that it's not that important. We feel it's best to do everything you can, to achieve optimal results. People who have had body art know that some tattoos heal well while others need follow-ups.
This is even more true with Permanent Cosmetics. Our pigment is not applied as deep in the skin as a body tattoo, so we need to fight to keep what color we can!
So we hope you will take the time to learn about our process and spend a couple of weeks preparing for your procedure by starting & stopping certain products, eating well, and start taking the Arnica Montana as recommended, if able.
We feel that these steps will HELP secure a MORE successful procedure than if you don't prepare at all. However, because all skin is different, we cannot guarantee a perfect outcome, as the art we apply is in YOUR SKIN, and skin is UNPREDICTABLE.
The worst-case scenario would be that most of your color doesn't take. If this happens, you must be mentally prepared to get back up in the saddle - and DO IT AGAIN! Most people require 2-3 sessions with my technique. However, some people may need more. Some less!
IN EXTREMELY RARE CASES, the color could go too dark, even though we do perform conservatively. If this happens, we will need to assess the situation in person.
Session #1
This is where I lay the foundation. This first pass is done deliberately on the conservative side so that NO ONE ends up with a color that is too dark. Please remember, we are putting artwork into your SKIN, so when color is applied lightly, some people will end up with a color that is patchy and much too light. If your first session loses a lot of color, it may appear patchy, uneven, or with unnatural-looking hues. Please consider this normal and just be sure to book your follow-up appointment, as this is not a mistake on our part as we cannot control what your skin retains. We will catch it up on your follow-up visit. Until then, please apply makeup to balance out the color.
Please remember, that missing color stems from the fact that I am putting art into your SKIN. And the skin is a living, breathing, moving organ that is designed to protect you when a wound is created. SO IT FIGHTS... by trying to push what it perceives as a threat, (this foreign body called: Pigment) back out of your system. AND WE MUST FIGHT BACK... to retain as much of the color, as possible and we do this with proper application & proper aftercare.
Sessions #2 and 3+
Follow-up sessions are required to balance the color and add more strokes to the missing spots....
Follow-up visits are not included in the price of the procedure.
Follow up sessions range from $200 -$500, depending on the procedure and artist chosen.
The more you know, the more prepared you'll be. I'm a seasoned artist . . . This means that I know, that in spite of experience, things can sometimes still go sideways on occasion. HOWEVER, YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT A DISASTER HAPPENING IF YOU CHOOSE US TO DO YOUR WORK! The trick is knowing what adjustments are necessary to get things back on track... and I do!
In most cases, the worst-case scenario is that the color didn't hold well. If this happens, you must be mentally prepared to get back up in the saddle - and DO IT AGAIN! Most people require 2-3 sessions with my technique. However, some people may need more. Some less! In a few cases, the color held too much. For this reason, I work very conservatively!
Please remember, that we are inserting art into a BIOLOGICAL SYSTEM ~ WHERE NOTHING IS EVER CERTAIN! Your skin is a living, breathing, moving organ that is designed to protect you when a wound is created. SO IT FIGHTS THE PROCESS... by trying to push out - what it perceives as a threat, (ie: the pigment). SO WE MUST FIGHT BACK... to retain as much of the color, as possible and we do this with proper application & proper aftercare.
MY GOAL, FOR YOUR FACE . . . is for your permanent makeup to enhance your look, yet remain UNDETECTABLE as a tattoo! This requires a conservative start, so you should "expect" the initial outcome to be too light, but with more definition than before. All initial "brow" procedures are applied with a LESS IS MORE APPROACH.
Only a few lucky clients heal with near-perfect results.
Others heal with various stages of patchiness, and the only remedy is a follow-up to catch the color up in the areas that didn't take well on round one. Also, since it is impossible to prove or disprove how well it was cared for...
For example:
Did you fall asleep on one brow?
Did you rub or pick it too much?
Did you ice them well enough?
Did you wipe them enough?
Did you shower too long?
Did they get too hot?
Did you sufficiently protect them from the sun?
Are you on meds?
Did you remember to take Arnica Montana?
This list can go on and on. And for this reason, I do hope this helps you to better understand why I require follow-up visits. Just a reminder to all... This information is posted on my website in various places to make sure, that most people see it:
I also send a reminder (upon booking) to refresh your memory about planning and caring for your procedure.
I send another reminder when your appointment is near.
Our consent form, also recaps much of this information, prior to your procedure.
During your procedure, I continue to verbally explain that you will need a minimum of at least one follow-up session.
Your aftercare paperwork is another reminder that follow-up sessions are needed.
I use a few colors to start and do so sparingly.
Once healed, we assess and adjust according to your personal preferences and how well the color healed in your skin. I start light because there are few things more hideous than brows that are too thick or too dark.
People often ask if they really need to plan... Some just assume that it's not that important. We feel it's best to do everything you can to achieve optimal results.
People who have had body art know that some tattoos heal well while others need follow-ups. This is even more true with Permanent Cosmetics. Our pigment is not applied as deep in the skin as a body tattoo, so we need to fight to keep what color we can!
So we hope you will take the time to learn about our process and spend a couple of weeks preparing for your procedure by starting & stopping certain products, eating well, and eliminating blood thinners (unless prescribed, then consult with your physician).
Start taking the Arnica Montana as recommended, if able.
We feel that these steps will HELP secure a MORE successful procedure than if you don't prepare at all. However, because all skin is different, we cannot guarantee a perfect outcome, as the art we apply is in YOUR SKIN, and skin is UNPREDICTABLE. The worst-case scenario would be that most of your color doesn't take. If this happens, you must be mentally prepared to get back up in the saddle - and DO IT AGAIN! Most people require 2-3 sessions with my technique. However, some people may need more. Some less!
IN EXTREMELY RARE CASES, the color could go too dark, even though we do perform conservatively. If this happens, we will need to assess the situation in person.
So when you schedule an appointment at PERMETIKA, it is with the understanding that you have READ, UNDERSTAND, AND AGREE with the way I perform the application. The information that I have shared throughout this website is meant to help you form realistic expectations, foster a great relationship, and avoid misunderstandings in the future. By the time you arrive for your appointment, we will have shared this information with you, in advance and on multiple levels.
The success of each procedure depends on a variety of factors such as the natural talent and skill level of the artist, the client's health, what medications they are taking, lifestyle & personal habits, and if the client fully cooperated by following the guidelines such as taking ARNICA MONTANA for two weeks prior to the appointment and by following proper care following each procedure.
How fast one heals also plays a huge role. The faster you heal, the better the color retention. The longer it takes to heal, the more time there is to lose the color. So please be patient with the process and schedule your follow-up visit for the best results!
The information on this page is an abbreviated form of this entire website. This page gives you a bird's eye view at a glance. Please continue reading for more detail and thank you in advance, for understanding and for taking the time to read, learn, and apply the principles found on this site. We want the best for you!
See Checklist by clicking here
The linked pages are where you'll find the information you need to know, in order to make an informed decision. Not everything you read will pertain to you. So, as you read, jot down some notes that pertain to you... then just before and after your procedure, you will need to adjust your diet and skin care routine - to stop/start consuming /using certain products.
TWO OF THE MOST IMPACTFUL COMPLIMENTS OF MY LIFE came from two doctors that flew their wives in for brows.
A plastic surgeon brought his wife from Atlanta.
As we were getting settled in... He said, "Do you know why we're here?" I said, "I think so... she wants brows." He smiled and said, "Yes... but do you know why we are HERE? He said, "MY WIFE IS THE BEST! She deserves the best... and from what I can tell, you're the best artist that I could find... and then smiled at me.
That was an amazing compliment - especially coming from a successful plastic surgeon.
Once my client was prepped and ready for her procedure, I started working the way I normally would. The doctor immediately realized that I wasn't performing the usual mapping techniques that he'd seen online. He stopped me to ask why wasn't going to map her face. He said he felt like these markings were necessary in order to find the best possible brow shape for his wife's face. I explained that since I already "SEE" the best shape, I don't need to do all of the preliminary markings. I assured him that she was in good hands and started working. I could feel him study my every move, so I invited him to come stand next to me for a closer look. , That might make some people nervous, but I took it as a great compliment! This surgeon was learning something from me. At the end of the procedure - he was in awe - and made a comment that seemed to describe up my mindset when it comes to creating natural looking brows.
He said that it seems to him, that I work using a Gestalt Theory or Method. To be honest, I had to Google that one.
In the simplest of terms... Gestaltism is like a fancy way of saying that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts! Like when all the ingredients of a cake, tastes way better baked, than just eating flour, sugar, eggs & oil, separately.
Gestaltism also recognizes that people are like cakes too, but we're made up of physical matter, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects. just like how a cake needs all its ingredients to taste good, we need all our aspects to be a fully functioning human being.​ Every individual is a unique blend of the mind, emotions, body, and soul, which are all blended with unique experiences and realities that form a whole individual.
When it comes to creating a natural-looking set of brows, using the Gestalt theory, it's important to understand the principles of Gestalt and focus on how the human brain perceives patterns and how we can use this to create realistic-looking brows. The key principles of Gestalt theory include proximity, similarity, continuity, closure, By using these, you can create a set of brows that looks natural and complements your client's face. It's important to visualize the end result in your mind before you start working on your client's face and focus on creating strokes that follow the natural direction of the hair. By following these methods, you can create a beautiful and natural-looking set of brows that your clients will love.
When it comes to achieving the perfect set of brows, relying solely on typical mapping strategies may not always be the most effective approach. Typical "mapping strategies" may give the impression that a superior set of brows can be created by using perfect measurements, the end result often appears hard and unnatural, rather than natural-looking. True perfection, on the other hand, is achieved by creating the look of realism, which involves incorporating a little bit of "negative" space. This is because the human brain has an innate ability to fill in the blanks, perceiving patterns that are not actually there. The brain makes these connections based on proximity, similarity, continuity, closure, and connection. The "paint by number" system of drawing in "perfect" stroke patterns, which is often used to create evenly spaced strokes, can disrupt the flow of natural-looking brows. To create the look of realism, a special talent is required, which involves visualizing the end result in one's mind before creating it on a client's face.
Another doctor brought his fiancé from Pennsylvania, twice!
We had another great conversation! He observed me as I worked - then said that he had been studying microblading techniques from various other artists. He said he chose me because my work looked the most natural, but he didn't know why until he watched me work. He said that I surprised at every corner and nothing I did looked familiar based on what he had observed online. He impressed upon me, "YOU need to become a "DISRUPTOR" in your field! I have never seen anyone work the way you do..."
So one day, I hope to have the opportunity to share my processes and help a lot of people create beautifully realistic brows too. Until that day... you heard it here first!​​​​
Please refer to the links in the footer section of this website. These links will explain a lot, so you will UNDERSTAND and AGREE with our philosophy that LESS IS BEST.
Remember back in 2015, when all the "new" techs, trainers and beauty bloggers were calling "Microblading" a SEMI-PERMANENT procedure that would fade in 18 months? Women by the millions jumped in head first, fully buying into that lie. I cringed when I saw those false advertisements. I knew... (and they know now), that there is no such pigment that will just BE GONE, just like that. I am still correcting brows that were destroyed during this era. ​
Perfection is often seen as an unattainable goal, even for those who are considered "perfect". However, true perfection can be found in a more relaxed and accepting version of iteself. While it may be difficult to fully describe, embracing imperfection can lead to a more realistic and natural look.
Luckily, the women who found my website, emerged with a different story to tell. ​And this could be YOU too. If you trust the Permetika approach - no one leaves here looking like Gargamel!​​

Just remember, that
​​​OUR APPROACH IS A LITTLE DIFFERENT . . . for a few reasons:
​BROWS SHAPING IS SUPER TRICKY!​ At any point during your brow procedure, your artist is just a stroke or two away from NAILING or LOSING the perfect look.
It takes an incredible amount of patience, skill and talent to deliver realistic looking brows.
Once healed, we assess! Then add more only where needed.
Our CONSERVATIVE approach to start, ensures that you will not end up with SUPER HERO eyebrows and has created many happy clients for over twenty years!
HOWEVER, if you don't understande, or agree with, our approach, you may feel like your brows are too light after just one pass. So please make sure that your expectations, align with our plan!
​Other cosmetic procedures require a totally different approach!
During the session . . . WE STOP applying color just as soon as the brows look great, knowing in advance, that the color will fade significantly for some, while others will retain almost every stroke. For this reason, we NEVER add extra color in hopes of creating better retention. Doing this would jeopardize the outcome and could require removal in extreme cases.
We KNOW, in advance, that most clients will lose approximately 30-50% of the color implanted, once the healing process is complete. However, over applying the pigment, in hopes of creating more retention, is dangerous, unless you are ok with a BIG DARK BROW SURPRISE.
To avoid that, we opt to stop the application, as soon as it looks beautiful. Then even if you lose 50%, you're still 50% better than you were when you first came in!
And now, you have a visible template that will not wash off to guide you as you apply your brow makeup.
Once that first session is completely healed (8-12 weeks) we then continue to build on that look during the subsequent session. We will repeat the process until we reach optimal results - FOR YOU.
I've learned to balance the two extremes of healing in too light - or - too dark, by STOPPING the work, as soon as the brows look BEAUTIFUL ENOUGH, to call it FINISHED... Finishing up a little lighter, greatly reduces the risk of you ending up with too dark brows and allows us the opportunity to see how well the color retention healed in.
Did the color shift? If so, your artist will adjust the work by applying corrective shades.
That perfectly straight lines do not exist anywhere in nature, nor does it in our human anatomy. Natural looking eyebrows should look very SIMILAR, yet NOT IDENTICAL . . . because it's the small little discrepancies that actually create a more beautiful & believable look.
This is a great question! It happens in the eye of an ARTIST! A true artist can easily "see" what a client needs, before mapping ever occurs. A TECHNICIAN, requires mapping, because most do not have the vision or ability to see in advance of the procedure.
You do NOT have to predetermine (on your own) which style of work you need. When you arrive, we will start the paperwork and the numbing process. Approximately 30 minutes later we will discuss your options and your input will also be taken into consideration. Once we reach a decision, the procedure will begin.
Eyebrows are truly, without a doubt, the most important feature of the face...
They set the stage for every emotion... we just don't think they should take center stage! For this reason, THE PERMETIKA APPOACH was born way back in 2002, when NO ONE wanted permanent makeup. So, I had to develop a style of work that potential clients could not only accept, but LOVE! I had to convince them my work would not look harsh. In fact, I had every intention of creating very subtle, classic, natural looking brows that anyone would be proud of. Over the years, my reputation grew, and I have consistently demonstrated excellence in constructing a beautiful set of brows, that ​enhance your Natural Beauty without overpowering any other feature. In fact, MY BEST WORK is often completely undetectable, yet my artistry and placement can shave years off of one's face, when properly done. Wouldn't you rather just look great (but keep everyone guessing) rather than to have them wonder who tattooed your brows?
To make EVERYONE happy - WHEN EVERYONE IS SO DIFFERENT. Even in a near perfect world, someone is bound to not be pleased... and for this reason, we err on the side of caution. And that caution STARTS with educating the clients on the potential outcomes... and REFUSING to allow current trends to dictate the outcome of a PERMANENT procedure - a tattoo - ON YOUR FACE!
Is to find an artist whose talent and imagination extends beyond the typical paint by number method and will approach this opportunity without overshooting and making your brows look stamped on - or maybe even worse . . . like a cartoon.
So the more a "technician" strives for perfection, the less human the client looks. NO IMPERFECTIONS, results in the client looking manufactured... or not real, just like a doll. I inherently knew this from the start. Now I do my best to pass that understanding on to my clients, and to those who apprentice with me, as well. SOME people get it, OTHERS don't.
ONE LOOK does not fit ALL. . . . because EVERY person is different!
We all have a complicated mix of different FACIAL BONE, SKIN AND MUSCLE ANATOMY. Our SKIN COLOR AND UNDERTONES are different. SKIN TEXTURES vary greatly, then add to that, we all have a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT BIOLOGICAL MAKEUP! So diet and medications play into the overall healed results as well.
Directly beneath your brows - lays a complex system of muscles that react with every emotion. Each different emotion pulls your brows in varying different angles and directions. Even a slight bit of tension in your face, will make a huge difference in expression, therefore changing the shape. This challenge is even further intensified to various degrees, depending on the client's age, expression, animation, muscle tension, and skin laxity - AND ADD THE USE OF BOTOX, XEOMIN & DYSPORT.
Well, let me ask you this... Have you ever seen a makeup artist lay a client down to do their brows? No! You haven't... So why do PMU artists do that?
An artist uses an easel because there is no better way to create a masterpiece than to paint it in the same way it will be viewed.
Makeup artists don't ever draw brows with clients laying down. Why shouldn't this also apply to brow design in cosmetic tattooing?
I want my work to look BELIEVABLE, so I start building the brow stroke by stroke. The puzzle is complete when the client and I are both happy.
MOST technicians practice the way they were taught, which is laying down. This is definitely the easiest way to create a beautiful "stroke"... But when a client lays down, their automatic response, it to RELAX and stop talking. There's a time for that, but NOT during the design phase because the dynamics of the face, completely change when a face is AT REST. Especially when lying flat. The normal signs of facial tension will relax. This makes it difficult to construct "living brows" that flow naturally with the face. Bottom line - brows are HARD! ​
Please refer to the links in the footer section of this website.
These links will explain a lot, so you will UNDERSTAND and AGREE with our philosophy that LESS IS BEST.
This is not a flashy sales website full of empty promises and broken dreams. (Remember when they were saying, It's SEMI-PERMANENT and will fade in 18 months?) I cringed when I saw those false advertisements. I knew... and they know now that there is no such pigment that will just BE GONE, just like that.
This site is also not full of airbrushed stock photos of half-naked women whose level of perfection we could never match. This is an educational site, for normal women, who are seeking to make themselves look better. Perfection is a hard goal, even for the perfect!
When I was first learning how to apply permanent makeup, I was taught that MOST people lose a lot of color during the healing phase, so the trainers instructed the students to apply 30-50% TOO MUCH pigment - so clients would end up with enough color, once healed.
This works well for a large percentage of clients. The problem with this approach is that SOME people tend to hold almost all of the color... so on THAT person, if you use that rule, we are going to have an UNHAPPY CLIENT. On the other hand, if on session one, you STOP WHEN IT LOOKS BEAUTIFUL, you can walk out looking normal!
The downside of this approach only happens when the color does not stay, as expected. But MOST people fall somewhere in the middle. So wouldn't you agree that of the two options, the latter conservative approach is the safest way to go? So, the artists here at Permétika opt for a conservative route because we know that REMOVAL is painful, time-consuming, expensive, and completely avoidable with the Permetika Approach.
While this ratio may work for most, what happens the clients who end up holding a lot of pigment? Ooops... I'll tell you what. . . They end up becoming the POSTER CHILD for STAMPED ON BROWS! You know the ones... that people stare at in disbelief. NO ONE DESERVES TO HAVE THIS EXPERIENCE. And no one HAS to . . . IF WE approach the work in baby steps.
Notice the emphasis on "WE"? That's referring to the ARTIST and the CLIENT as well. Clients who opt for a conservative approach on the first application, MUST understand that this is a PROCESS. The first application will give your brows SHAPE, but mainly serves an opportunity to observe how YOUR SKIN heals BEFORE adding more color.
Like I mentioned before, a FEW lucky people, LUCK OUT and have great results after the first application. Others must accept the FACT that they will need further work. This process is designed to protect those who hold a lot of color... and this could be YOU! No one leaves here looking like Gargamel.
​PLEASE NOTE: Please don't start this process if you can't follow through with the whole process. Your patience will pay off!
While these equations are good "starting" points, I find that when measured TOO perfectly, the brows take on a rigid, mechanical and unnatural look. You can tell right away when someone has undergone over-mapping. I want my clients to look great, not done. So I opt for a softer look by using the ratio as "a guide" without making the brows look like mirror images.​
Makeup artists don't even draw brows with clients laying down. Why shouldn't this also apply to brow design?
Traditional artists will use an easel because they know that there is no better way to create a masterpiece than to paint it in the same way it will be viewed.
I want my work to look BELIEVABLE, so I start building the brow by first filling in missing spots, starting from the middle spine - and working my way out.
The final shape does not fully materialize util the last few strokes are applied. This is when the puzzle is complete.
ALL People are different, and most people will need customization depending on various skin types, lifestyle patters, medical needs, etc... Therefore, I've always felt that it is better to add pigment in layers, The first session is always applied conservatively to see how the skin responds once healed.
Also, a heavy first application may cause too much trauma to the skin. When the skin is overworked, it takes longer to heal, which result in more color loss.
It's a catch 22 that requires all parties to be patient with this process. The next session will reveal new possibilities... we will then know how the skin healed and which new colors to add (if any) and what intensity to apply... rather than try to apply too much color in one session.
It's important to realize that first sessions could result in one of the three following outcomes:
TOO DARK: Very Rare
TOO LIGHT: Most Likely
I'm not saying you will obtain PERFECT results, by following all the rules. I am saying that I feel, that there are things that you can do to HELP you receive better results than if you didn't prepare at all. It does mean that YOU will do better if you at least try to do some of the things recommended. Even a marginally better result makes a difference and may even reduce the number of follow-up appointments that will be required.​​
Please refer to the links in the footer section of this website. These links will explain a lot, so you will UNDERSTAND and AGREE with our philosophy that LESS IS BEST.
This is not a flashy sales website full of empty promises and broken dreams. (Remember when they were saying, It's SEMI-PERMANENT and will fade in 18 months?) I cringed when I saw those false advertisements. I knew... and they know now, that there is no such pigment that will just BE GONE, just like that.
PLEASE NOTE: Please don't start this process if you can't finish. Your patience will pay off.
The linked pages below are where you'll find the information you need to learn in order to make an informed decision. Not everything will pertain to you. So, as you read, jot down some notes that pertain to you... then just before and after your procedure, you will need to stop/start consuming certain products.​​
While these equations are good "starting" points, I find that when measured TOO perfectly, the brows take on a rigid, mechanical and unnatural look. You can tell right away when someone has undergone over-mapping. I want my clients to look great, not done. So I opt for a softer look by using the ratio as "a guide" without making the brows look like mirror images.​
Makeup artists don't even draw brows with clients laying down. Why shouldn't this also apply to brow design?
Traditional artists will use an easel because they know that there is no better way to create a masterpiece than to paint it in the same way it will be viewed.
I want my work to look BELIEVABLE, so I start building the brow by first filling in missing spots, starting from the middle spine - and working my way out.
The final shape does not fully materialize util the last few strokes are applied. This is when the puzzle is complete.
ALL People are different, and most people will need customization depending on various skin types, lifestyle patters, medical needs, etc... Therefore, I've always felt that it is better to add pigment in layers, The first session is always applied conservatively to see how the skin responds once healed.
Also, a heavy first application may cause too much trauma to the skin. When the skin is overworked, it takes longer to heal, which result in more color loss.
It's a catch 22 that requires all parties to be patient with this process. The next session will reveal new possibilities... we will then know how the skin healed and which new colors to add (if any) and what intensity to apply... rather than try to apply too much color in one session.
It's important to realize that first sessions could result in one of the three following outcomes:
TOO DARK: Very Rare
TOO LIGHT: Most Likely
I'm not saying you will obtain PERFECT results, by following all the rules. I am saying that I feel, that there are things that you can do to HELP you receive better results than if you didn't prepare at all. It does mean that YOU will do better if you at least try to do some of the things recommended. Even a marginally better result makes a difference and may even reduce the number of follow-up appointments that will be required.​​